Monday, June 02, 2014

Unwise Real Estate Investments Sends Investor to Poor House

poor real estate investments may cause problems
solo 401k

A Dept.of Labor  Consent judgement against Georgetown Realty Inc.the company's owner, John Mahaffy,resulted in restitution of $420,127 to the Georgetown Realty Inc. Profit Sharing Plan and Trust for losses due to unwise real estate investments overseen by Mahaffy. In addition, Mahaffy is barred from serving any employee benefit plan covered under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

Mahaffy used 80% of the plan's assets to invest in purchasing property for a resort. The resort failed and the lenders foreclosed. The plan participants lost most of their retirement accounts

The DOL filed a lawsuit, Perez v. Georgetown Realty Inc. (civil action number 3:12-cv-01164), in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon.

What is the difference between Investment and Speculation?

Solo 401k Plan: Your Opportunity for Checkbook Control of Your Future

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